To finally see how everyone's end products come out with these pages. Everyone's topic is so interesting, and put together so nicely. I feel as if a lot of people put a decent amount of effort into this even while suffering from severe senioritis. I hope we all plan to check out each other's complete pages, cause I know I'm pretty excited to do that!
Ms. C
5/24/2013 01:07:26 am

I feel the same way--and I totally appreciate it. I think everyone did an amazing job, and (unexpectedly) I am actually looking forward to grading this weekend--thank you!

I also think that you, Rachael Lentz, did a pretty fantastic site, so a special congrats to you. :)

5/24/2013 11:18:34 am

Thanks, that really means a lot to me, I really did love this project. I didn't think I'd like it at first but you proved me wrong!

5/24/2013 01:40:26 am

sites coming along nicely, can't wait for the prezetation

5/24/2013 11:20:00 am

For some reason I felt you'd be interested, I'm just as equally interested in yours! I'd like to hear some feedback from you after about what you thought of it

Ryan Papargiris
5/24/2013 07:28:40 am

I like you website a lot, especially all the pictures, my favorites the cats at the bar smoking. William Burroughs compiled a book of all the poems he wrote about his cats, there pretty hilarious you should check them out.

5/24/2013 11:21:06 am

Hahaha, I figured you'd like that one, that seems to be everyone else's favorite too! Thanks for the tip on the cat poet, I'll definitely be looking him up this weekend so that I can mention that in my presentation. I can always count on you to teach me something cool and new, thanks!

Caitlyn McCarron
5/24/2013 05:20:53 pm

Your sight fits you perfectly, cant wait for you to present on monday !


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